Birth Doula
"How will she remember this day?"
That is the guiding sentiment behind my work as your birth doula. As long as women have been having babies, there have been other experienced women by their side to help support them through the process of labor and delivery. In my role as a doula, I am here to provide non-medical guidance and support to the birthing person and their partner so they feel empowered and capable of handling whatever comes their way during baby's arrival. It is such an honor to be welcomed into this special time with a family and I promise to do my part in making sure that your birthing day is one that is remembered for all the strength and love that was present in the room.
As your birth doula it is my goal for you to enter your labor feeling calm, confident and empowered. Trust is a key element of a successful labor situation and that’s why it’s so important to choose a birth team who you trust and who help you to trust yourself and your body in birthing your baby. I want both you (and your birth partner) to be informed, prepared and confident for any path your labor may take. As trust is such a key element in the birth room, its also the reason that, for a spontaneous birth, currently I am only accepting clients whom have taken a GentleBirth course with me in the past or who will be taking a course before baby’s arrival.
To schedule a meeting to discuss your birth plans and see if we're a good fit, please email me and include your estimated due date and anything else you'd like me to know. The "get to know you" meeting is always free and generally we meet in a coffee shop, where we can chat casually and see if the chemistry is a good fit for me to join your birth team. :)
· 2 hour birth planning session 1x1 – Example of topics covered
are: birth preferences, preparing your labor toolkit, physical
comfort measures, stages of labor.
· Evidence based information and material provided
· E-mail support throughout pregnancy
· Access to my personal library of books
In Person Meetings
· 2 prenatal visits, ideally before 37 weeks
· 2 post partum visits– 1 in hospital & 1 at home
Training & Preparation
· Attendance at one of my group GentleBirth Workshops
including all materials.
Discounted attendance at a Spinning Babies Parent Class
· Evidence based information and material provided
· E-mail and phone support throughout pregnancy
Tools & Support
· On call 24/7 beginning 10 days before the estimated due date
until 14 days after.
· Continuous support during labor, birth and after until mom feels
· Evidence based information and material provided
· Access to my personal library of books
· Access to my Labor Toolkit
· 2 prenatal visits, ideally before 37 weeks
· Evidence based information and material provided
· E-mail and phone support throughout pregnancy
· Support in hospital and notes/photos taken
· 1 post partum visits– Either in hospital or at home