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Pregnancy, Birth & Parenting Support

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Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class for Expecting Parents

I am excited to share with you a new class! I'm  now to be able to offer Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class as a Certified Spinning Babies® Parent Educator (SpBCPE).


What kind of a class is that?

Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class highlights your baby’s active role in birth and is designed a supplement to a comprehensive childbirth education.


 Spinning Babies® believes that fetal positions are not random; babies naturally fit the space available to them. But here’s the exciting part: it’s not just about the size of the baby or the pelvis. Birth anatomy can be flexible, and we’re here to show you how.


Spinning Babies®, created by Gail Tully, offers a fresh and anatomically-based perspective on birth. This unique approach allows you to see the miracle of birth through a whole new lens. When you attend a Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class, you’ll learn techniques that will forever change the way you think about birth.


So, what’s the secret to an easier birth? It all starts with understanding your baby’s position. By exploring the alignment of the womb and pelvis through the lens of the baby’s position, we uncover valuable insights that guide our preparation. Instead of focusing on how far dilated you are, we shift our attention to finding answers to the questions: Where’s Baby?


During labor the baby needs to pass through the three levels of the pelvis. Learn techniques to help your pelvis and it’s muscles that support or restrict your pelvic levels. Together, you and your birth partner can use these techniques before and during labor to help “make room for baby!” Spinning Babies® reveals how the baby can find optimal positions for labor, and make birth less painful, and even pleasurable!

This class is for expectant parents only. 


Baby’s job in labor is to rotate!

  • Learn about Spinning Babies® Techniques

  • Daily Essential Activities

  • The Three Balancesâ„  help birth muscles to relax and add comfort now to ease birth later.

  • Birth Positions that open the pelvis that let the baby come through more easily

  • Bring your birth partner to learn how to help you in pregnancy for comfort in labor and birth



Class Options

Interested to try out a Spinning Babies® class for yourself?

Check out the options below and get in touch. 


Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class

This is an excellent addition to your GentleBirth Class! As the GentleBirth Classes tend to take place earlier in pregnancy, adding on a Spinning Babies® class for later in your pregnancy will give you a great opportunity to get your anatomy as prepared as your mind. 

You also save 30% on the cost of the class if you book your courses together


Stand Alone

Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class

This class is a great option for those of you who have already taken a standard childbirth class, either in a previous pregnancy or currently, but are looking to expand your toolkit and explore more options for a more comfortable birth. 

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Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class Schedule and Pricing


March 8, 2024

April 19,2024

June 7, 2024



PerBaby Mobile (Sachsenhausen)

Willemerstr. 29 · 60594 Frankfurt 



150€ including class materials, snacks and an e-book companion. 


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